Vaken, Pt. 1

Vaken, 2019



The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is the organisation tasked with protecting the lives and wellbeing of the 65,600,000 refugees and displaced people all over the globe. The UNHCR recommends that in an emergency each refugee should be provided with a shelter 187x187x200cm in size. Often, if this space is made available to refugees, it is shared by a family or group of people, rather than being for an individual, as demand for shelter often outweighs supply. Displayed here is a reproduction of one of these shelters, manufactured according to UNHCR guidelines and from the basic materials that characterise emergency accommodation. Inside the shelter is displayed six mirrored panels with a written testimony by the teenage Syrian refugee Muhammed Najem and submitted to the project.

Shelter: OSB chipboard, corrugated bitumen sheet - 2450 x 2450 x 2120mm

Mirrors: 600 x 500mm

Interior detail- 600 x 500mm

Interior detail- 600 x 500mm

Mirrored panel detail.

Mirrored panel detail.